Subscription Terms
To ensure the you never miss a single issue or collection of your favourite titles, Variant Edition provides a subscription service for in-store collection or delivery.
Tons of new comics and graphic novels hit the stands each and every week - and we don’t want you to miss out. Whether you’re collecting one title regularly or dozens - we have room in our files for you! Just let us know which books you’re interested in reading, and we’ll make sure you get a copy each time a new edition comes out.
Subscriptions + Pre-Payment Program
- Anyone can open a file! We start files for people who are only looking for one regular title, to those who want over a hundred.
- File customers receive a copy of the monthly Previews order book for FREE!
- Customers can adjust their orders online using the Manage Comics system, or contact us to make adjustments. Either works!
- Customers who provide valid payment information (such as a credit card) to the store earn 8 points for every dollar spent! 100 points equals $1.
Terms of Service for Subscriptions
- Items pulled for file must be paid for at least once a month. Files who have not been in within the month may receive an e-mail or phone call regarding their file. Response to this communication is required within seven days, preferably with details for payment. If we do not hear from you within seven days, items on hold may be considered abandoned and placed back on shelf for sale.
- Unpaid items on hold for more than eight weeks will be considered OVERDUE. When an OVERDUE notice is sent, we need to receive payment for the items within the week, or those items will be considered abandoned and placed back on shelf for sale.
- We recommend having payment info on file to avoid any late notices.
- Files with payment info on file will be charged once a month if you can not come in to pick up the books. If you come in more than once a month, we will never use this payment info. We also have the option to charge on a weekly basis, if you're worried about a huge bill each month. Monthly charges are made on the first Thursday of each month.
- If you wish to drop a title, let us know as soon as possible. You will be responsible to pay for items cancelled past the final order cut off deadline.
- If a situation is preventing you, or will prevent you from paying for items in your file, please communicate with us! We will work with you as long as it is not a recurring problem.
- Please endeavour to keep your contact information with us up to date! If we attempt contact for any deadline issues and receive an "out of service" or "undeliverable mail" notification, items on hold at that time will be considered OVERDUE and will be placed on shelf for sale.
- Moving? Can't get to us? Live outside of Edmonton? We deliver comics in city, and do mail order all across Canada.